by Jenny | Nov 17, 2015 | Videos |
Video for Reducing Pain in the Feet and Low Leg Hello and Welcome to the Video for Reducing Pain in the Feet and Low Leg. Enjoy these fun videos full of great ideas designed to create ease in the tissue of the feet and low leg. Reduce pain in these areas so you can...
by Jenny | Nov 17, 2015 | Videos |
Video Introducing Self Treatment of Neck Area Hello Everyone! So glad you are visiting the site I built as a resource guide for home treatment of Pain. Let’s work together, oh and play together. We can decrease pain and increase range of motion and feel much...
by Jenny | Nov 17, 2015 | Videos |
Video Introducing Self Treatment of Viscera Hello Everyone! So glad you are visiting the site I built as a resource guide for home treatment of Pain. Let’s work together, oh, and play together. We can decrease pain and increase range of motion and capture our...
by Jenny | Nov 17, 2015 | Videos |
Video Introducing Manual Manipulation of TMJ Hello Everyone and welcome to my video introducing manual manipulation of TMJ. So glad you are visiting the site I built as a resource guide for home treatment of Pain. This Video is a simple, easy introduction to...
by Jenny | Nov 17, 2015 | Videos |
Video Introducing Manual Manipulation of the Head and Face Hello Everyone! So glad you are visiting the site I built as a resource guide for home treatment of Pain. Let’s work together, oh and play together. We can decrease pain and increase range of motion and...